Follow our FB regularly or at least occasionally, so no news “escapes” you, such as the services from the offer at our “highest floor of health and beauty” or don’t miss any of our special offers or events. We only offer pleasant surprises so stay with us …
The top floor of health and beauty Slovanský dům, Prague 1
Studio Estetica for professional…
Special offers and benefits for you
Our clients can take up the opportunity to “refresh” their permanent makeup before two years since…
Vážené klientky, rády bychom vám oznámily, že studio Estetica nyní najdete na klinice plastické chirurgie Perfect Clinic na Praze 5 v Kartouzské ulici č. 10.
Telefony na Evu Štědrou a Janu Hrůšovou jsou stále stejné.